The Protection of Civilians in Armed Conflict
Yesterday's analysis was fun, so I'm going to do another one today. I will use the second article on the Oxfam website. It concerns Oxfam's calling for urgent protection of civilians in the conflict between Israel and Palestine. In other words, the problem in this part of the world also involves another conflict causing the suffering of innocents. Except here, Oxfam is getting closer to the root cause of the matter in the way it is addressing the issues.
Preventing harm to civilians in a military conflict is clearly a popular leftist issue. It is one of the focuses in Singer's The President of Good and Evil as well. I want to focus on this as a topic of research. It might even be an issue on which Singer and I actually have some common ground. If only because it does not seem to involve rampant self-sacrifice, and just might be in everyone's interests for a change.
It is important to use clear and commonly shared terminology in such matters. The headline fo...