
Showing posts from March, 2018

Java Version Verification Plugin Shenanigans

I think the Java version verification plugin has pretty laughable compatibility issues. I was prompted to update my Java runtime tonight. It meant that I was prompted to test that I have the current version of Java installed. The Java installer is meant to determine this with a plugin on a web page. I would launch a browser to open on that web page by pressing the prompted button in the installer. What followed was a comedy of errors. For some unknown reason, the Java installer launched Firefox, despite the fact that it is not my default browser. Firefox made sure to tell me this and prompted me to choose to make it my default browser. Instead, I prompted its dialog box to piss off. There was also a notice on the bottom of the Firefox application to prompt me to tidy up its display a bit. This was because it noted that I had not used Firefox in a long time. I did clean up the display, if only to get rid of the banner at the bottom of the browser. Meanwhile, in the middle of the brow...