
Showing posts from 2011

Liddle Facts

It's been a long time since I've seen fit to post anything here. But I felt that I needed to act to preserve a list that deserves to be somewhere on the internet in a form that is publicly editable. Not that it is publicly editable in my blog. But I will read all the emailed submissions that I receive for additions to or modifications of the list, and will update the list accordingly. The list is Liddle Facts, and comes from the Wikipedia, where it is about to be taken down. Liddle Facts are little factoids Spring Valley Juice prints on the underside of its juice bottle lids. They're really cool, and because they're numbered, you can check whether your list is complete. If I modify the list at all, I will keep it on this page. The first 140 facts of the  2004  series were printed in the bottle lids in black colour. At the end of 2005, they started with a second series, presented in a green cap. Those collected to date are as follows: Pre-2004 20. The howler monk...