Today's additions

This morning you have included anomie as one of the concepts that you wish to explore in your book. I agree that this does support your view. It also, however, begs the question in favour of sociological functionalism, and something needs to be said about Marx and Weber's concepts as well, if you are going to talk about anomie. For example, it seems to me that you could talk about evil and the problems of society. You could have a section on evil and alienation and evil and disenchantment as well. This would also touch upon a discussion of the relation of politics to morality that the external reviewer carped at you for not including in the MPhil thesis. I also think that the choice of alienation as a concept on which to elaborate in the book is much better than that of the alethic modality--a much harder subject to make relevant, I think!

This evening, I have decided to include Karl-Otto Apel among the topics for sections in the book. His work on the necessary presuppositions of rational discourse and its relation to ethics could probably sharpen my own views about moral commensurability. I will need to be on firm ground by the time I get to the point of discussing the progress of social mores, and sections like this will support my view.


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